Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Cyst in Goat Meat
Cyst in Goat Meat

This is the parasitic infection lesion which can't harm the health of human. This should be dispose and we can eat a meat of goat. Some cyst can cause diseases when people eat the affected meat by parasites. If the lesion is abnormal present on the body the meat should be condemed and if the cyst is also present throughou the body then meat should be condemed. 

How can these diseases be prevented?

Ø The important question is what should be done with meat containing parasitic cysts and lesions, and    how can you prevent disease in people?

Ø It can be difficult to know which parasites are harmful and which are not, because they can look similar and occur in the same species.

Ø If you are slaughtering animals for your own use or to sell, trim the cysts and lesions and destroy this meat. Do not eat or sell affected meat.

Ø Do not eat meat containing such cysts, and do not buy meat from informal slaughterers.

Ø Rather, buy your meat from a hygienic butchery or shop.
Ø Do not let dogs and wild carnivores eat affected meat, because they can continue spreading some of these diseases.

Ø Do not go to the toilet in the veld, but use proper toilets.

Ø Always cook meat well (particularly in the case of informal slaughter and meat is not inspected).

Ø Always wash your hands after handling animals and before preparing food or eating.