Saturday, January 24, 2015



  • AI is a viral disease of avian species. The disease can be range from asymptomatic and mild to fatal. Avian influenza occurs infrequently in humans. AI is highly contagious viral diseases of poultry characterized by high mortality and morbidity, pericarditis, air sacculitis, pneumonia, caseous exudate in upper respiratory tract and cyanosis of comb. 

  • Direct and indirect transmission from infected birds, by wild birds, contaminated feed.

Ante-Mortem findings (Done before death in a slaughter house):
  • Incubation period varies for few hours to about seven days.
  • Marked depression
  • loss of body weight
  • Watery diarrhoea
  • Coughing, sneezing, rales, excessive lacrimation
  • Drop in eggs production
  • Conjunctiva is swollen and congested
  • Swollen combs with cyanosis color appear
  • Ruffled feathers
  • Blood in the cloaca
  • Some birds may recover rare

Post-Mortem findings (Done After death in a slaughter house):
Highly pathogenic infection:
  • Dehydration
  • Birds die with peracute form of AI
  • Fibrinous exudate found in airsacs, oviduct, peritoneum, pericardial sacs

Mild infection:
  • Inflammation of conjunctiva, trachea, airssacs
  • Congestion of musculature
  • Petachial hemorrhage in abdominal fat, mucosal surfaces, heart, gizzads, proventriculus, intestine
  • Edema of the head with congestion, hemorrhage, cyanosis, wattles and sinuses
  • Ovarian regress seen in laying birds
  • Feet is edematous with hemorrhage

  • The whole carcass and viscera are condemned
  • Stumps done (any birds found to be positive case) of the flock and that area should be careful for the visitors
[Avian flu livestock restriction zone in case of outbreak]

  •     Cornell University site - image