Friday, January 23, 2015


Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites or physical/ chemical agents. It is with inflammation of the bronchi, bronchioli and the pleura, exactly the term is Bronchopneumonia. In pigs caused by Mycoplasma hypneumoniate and haemophilus pleuropneumoniae.
  • From mother (sow) to the suckling pigs.
  • Adult via contact or air. 
Ante-Mortem findings (Done before death in a slaughter house):

Enzootic pneumonia:
  • No fever
  • Acute respiratory distress
  • dry cough present

Chronic pneumonia:
  • Dry hacking cough
  • Retard growth
  • Fever upto 41ºC
  • Respiratory distress
  • Bluish mucous membranes of the eye and mouth
  • Bloody frothy discharge from nostrils
  • Death
Chronic form
  • Poor food utilization
  • Emaciation
Post-Mortem findings (Done After death in a slaughter house):

Enzootic pneumonia:
  • Plum colored, greyish consolidation cardiac and lungs lobes
  • Enlarged bronchial lymph nodes
  • Purulent pneumonia with abscessation
Chronic pneumonia:
  • Bloody frothy in wind pipe
  • Generalized solid consistency of lung
  • Blood tinged fluid in the chest cavity and abdomen
  • Pus filled in the lung
  • Whitish clot on lung area
  • Case of pleuropneumonia: approved to eat
  • Other: affected organs are condemned
  • Case Septicemia:The whole carcass and viscera are condemned (in many countries)